EastPointe Bible Church Missions
Local, Regional, & Global
EastPointe Bible Church’s (EBC) commitment to obeying the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19) is carried out in foreign countries, nationally, and here in the local community of Peru, Indiana, and it’s surrounding communities.
These are the Missionaries and Ministries EastPointe Bible Church supports both in prayer and financially.
Rick and Mary Glover have been serving as Awana Missionaries in Indiana since 1996. The Glovers have a strong burden to equip leaders to reach and disciple the children and youth of their churches and around the world. Click their photo for the Awana Indiana website.
Biblical Ministries – Ramirez’s, Argentina

Biblical Ministries Worldwide is local church-driven, Gospel-oriented, and Great Commission-focused. We believe the Great Commission is to be carried out in the spirit of the Great Commandment.
Biblical Ministries Worldwide
1595 Herrington Road
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
email: bmwhq@biblicalministries.org
Download the Ramirez’s Missions Biography & Prayer Requests
Light City Bible Church – Wabash, IN

Intentionally making disciples of Jesus Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit through the Word of God for His Glory.
477 N. Wabash Street, Wabash IN 46992
Meeting in Christ UMC fellowship hall.
Download the Light City Mission Prayer Card

Pastor Esperandieu Pierre is the National Director of Campus Crusade for Christ in Haiti. He is also the founder and director of Nehemiah Vision Ministries, the social outreach arm of Campus Crusade in Haiti. Click the photo to go to the Nehemiah Vision Ministries website.
Peru Rolling CHAPEL
“Teaching the Gospel of Jesus to Children Since 1944”
“Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it…” – Proverbs 22:6
Peru Rolling Chapel has been teaching the Gospel of Jesus since 1944. Children in 4th and 5th grades are legally released with parental permission from their class at school once each week. – >Click the photo for The CHAPEL website. < –
After decades of classes in a mobile facility, the Peru Rolling Chapel finally has a beautiful, permanent new home at 320 Blair Pike Road in Peru, Indiana. Classes in the new facility began October 18, 2021 for fourth and fifth graders from Blair Point Elementary School.
Tigray Church – Ethiopia (2024)
Word of Life creates faith-defining experiences that give students and families the opportunity to encounter God and grow in their spiritual walks.
EBC Missions ->>> “GO!ing …for The Harvest…” >>>
Are you are interested in receiving information about future work projects or service opportunities to help raise funds for the Global Missions Fund? To receive emails and/or text messages about future opportunities, complete one of the following: – > Click Here for online sign-up <- ; contact Jason Winegardner at 765-346-0257 (voice/text) or jwinegardner@ebcperu.org ; or Mander Prater at 260-760-0730 (voice/text) or ebcperumissions@gmail.com

EastPointe Bible Church (EBC) ministry of MISSION OUTREACH is a calling according 1 CORINTHIANS 15:58. Mander & Luan Prater along with Jason Winegardner are ministry directors of this EBC ministry titled “Belize Be Faithful.” We affirm this ministry fulfills the Lord commission to go by offering service opportunities for all attending EBC. If you are attending EBC and interested in ministering within the body of Christ, contact the Prater’s or Jason Winegardner. There is a need for your servant’s heart & hands that can bless us all – local, regional, national, and the world.

1 Corinthians 15:58 NASB1995 – “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.”