Children’s Ministry

Children’s Ministry


Printable Document File of Instructionsu for CHILD Check


EBC ONLINE Children's Check-in
EBC ONLINE Children’s Check-in
Mobile Check-In > SUNDAY & THURSDAY
Avoid long lines at child check-in! Use the F1G mobile app to check-in within 20 miles of the church. Begin checking-in on Thursday’s at 5:30 p.m.; on Sundays for Nursery at 9 a.m., Children’s Sunday School at 9 a.m. and for Children’s Church at 9:30 a.m. Step-by-step instructions are available at the Connect Center. If you have questions or need to be assigned a user name, contact Jennifer Vigar at 473-4004, ext. 0.
Mobile app, F1G, Childrens’ check-in available within 20 miles of EastPointe Bible Church (EBC).


9:00 am SUNDAY Infant & Toddler care is available for babies & younger children (newborn through age 2) during Sunday School & the Worship service in the Nursery room. Check at EBC Connect Center for nursery care during other EBC events.

SUNDAYS > 9:15 am Sunday School EBC rooms vary. Check EBC Connect Center

We gladly offer Sunday School for all ages. Beginning in Nursery and continuing through Elementary we use curriculum from “Truth78.” 
Our young students in junior and senior high school enjoy a variety of topics that are relevant to them and are drawn directly from the text of scripture. 

SUNDAYS > 10:20 am Children’s Church EBC Room 132 – Sue Watson

Sue Watson

EastPointe Bible Church (EBC) is convinced that young children should be welcome in our worship services. In fact, many of them can “listen with understanding” (Nehemiah 8:2) earlier than we typically think. Since all families and children differ, parents who know their children being in the adult worship service should wait, we gladly offer Children’s Church. 
Children from ages 3 -5 can be registered for Children’s Church prior to the sermon. 

Printable Document File of Instructions for CHILD Check-in



6:45 pm Tuesday EBC Room 109. (Dates follow the Public School schedules. )


THURSDAYS > AWANA – Ted Gray / Matthew Carnagua

6:25 pm Thursday EBC Rooms vary. Check EBC Connect Center. (Dates follow the Public School schedules. )