9:15 a.m. CHILDRENS Sunday School – EBC rooms vary ~ Check EBC Connect Center
We gladly offer Sunday School for all ages. Beginning in Nursery and continuing through Elementary we use curriculum from “Truth78.”
Our young students in junior and senior high school enjoy a variety of topics that are relevant to them and are drawn directly from the text of scripture.

ADULT Sunday Schools – EBC Room Room 134
ADULT Sunday School Classes EASTPOINTE BIBLE CHURCH invites you to be a part of the Adult School classes on Sunday,’s at 9:15 a.m. in Rooms 109 and Room 134. |

An incisive look at how God’s people apply the Bible to their various life circumstances and how to apply in today’s church / life situations…making disciples..

Essentials Class – Foundations of Faith (Seasonal offering.)
This will be an in-depth study of verses and their application to your life and spiritual growth Consider joining Pastor Jim Butler in the Essentials Class, Check EBC Connect Center for timing / availability.
New Members Class – ” ALL Welcome!” (Seasonal offering.)
Whether you are considering a commitment to EastPointe Bible Church (EBC) membership or if you’d just like a brief overview of the Essential doctrines of the faith in eight (8) sessions, come and learn what we believe. EBC Connect Center for timing / availability.

The EBC Ladies Sunday School class. We use the Bible & Christian author’s books as a topical guide. But the book or reading is not required. Come learn with us from the women in the Bible. How we can go from being “Control Girls to Jesus’ Girls.”

Men’s SUNDAY Book Study – EBC Room 130 (Seasonal offering.)
A men’s 10-week book study at 9:15 in Room 130. The book is Let the Men be Men – God’s Design for Manhood and Marriage by Chris Mueller. Consider joining this tremendous and challenging study to deepen our walk with Christ and help us come alongside each other as men. See Jason W. for the book and/or questions.

This culture is designed to take you down. Credit cards, car loans, student loans . . . they’ll keep you paying way too much money for way too long. But there’s one way out of the mess of debt, and it starts right here with you. You can change your future today by joining my Financial Peace University class at 1540 E Paw Paw Pike . You’ll learn to pay off debt fast, save more money, and build lasting wealth.