Our Adult Growth ministries cover a variety subjects, ranging from Men’s & Women’s Ministries, to Growing Deeper and Growth /Small Groups (FLOCK Great ).
Scripture exhorts that believers in Jesus will have a desire to grow and that they will actively, actually do so. Here at EastPointe Bible Church you’ll find opportunities in our current offerings for ongoing Adult Growth group discipleship.
If there are questions about any of these ministries, please, reach-out and contact us at EBC and we will happily direct you to an Adult Growth group.
9:15 am Sunday Room 109 – Adult Bible Study
9:15 am Sunday Room 235-237 – High School
9:15 am Sunday Room 134 – EBC Essentials class. (Check Connect Center for availability.)
Time & Place varies for Growth, Small Group discipleship -> see MINISTRIES/ Adult Growth/ “FLOCK Groups” tab.