“17 Iron sharpens iron, So one man sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17 NASB
“Service grounded in biblical truth lies at the heart of the EastPointe Bible Church Men’s Ministry. Whether easing the burden of relocation through “Grace Movers” or ensuring widows have firewood for the winter, members of this ministry express the love of Christ in practical applications. These things naturally arise from a strong focus on God’s Word, experienced through group biblical study, through scriptural lessons at workshops and retreats, open discussion during bible studies, collective prayer, and Christian fellowship. We encourage you to join in this opportunity for mutual growth in Jesus Christ, the men of God honing one another in the things of God as iron sharpens iron. “
For more EastPointe Bible Church (EBC) MEN’S ministry information check EBC’s website EVENT Announcement Details pages, or > Contact Jason Winegardner; Text @ (765) 346-0257 to sign-up to receive Men’s Ministry updates.