EastPointe Bible Church Library
Need a library card? Please visit us at the church library or complete our online application:

EBC Library Hours
Sundays: 9:00a-9:15a, 9:45a-10:25a, 12:00p-12:20p
Thursdays: 6:00p-6:30p; 8:00p-8:20p (during scheduled AWANA evenings)
If you have EBC Library questions, contact Alaina Chamberlain at alainachamberlain@hotmail.com

Helpful EBC Library search topics: Apologetics, JApologetics (juvenile), Character building, Board books, Bible, devotionals, JFIC (juvenile), FIC (adult), teens, marriage, women, men, parenting, holidays – ex: Christmas, DVD, study, biographies, leadership, Christian living and more.